Being in a gloomy mood I looked through a file with some photographs I took one evening in Rome, some months ago. I had forgotten about them, though the solitary feeling they provided harmonizes well with the grey and rainy dusk lingering outside my window here in Hässleholm. 

I began taking the photos while I walked down to our magazine where I often sit and write, there I ended up looking at some pictures in the art books I have laying around, before I decided for an evening stroll in the neighbourhood, watching the grafitti. A perishable art form that gradually disappears, as I hope my melancholy mood eventually will do as well. When I came home I gave our fish some food and went to bed.

Some friends of mine use to complain that my blog entries are too wordy, so here I give you one with almost no words at all:  


A few weeks ago I wandered along Istanbul's old city's steep streets. I found myself in Fatih, a district that once, when it was home to many of the city's Greeks, Armenians and Jews, was called Fener. Interspersed between modern housing are still dilapidated wooden houses, churches and...
 För några veckor sedan vandrade jag längs Istanbuls gamla stads branta gator. Jag befann mig i Fatih, ett distrikt som gång, då det var hem för många av stadens greker, armenier och judar, kallades för Fener. Insprängda mellan moderna bostadskomplex finns fortfarande...
Sometime during the autumn of 1968 I worked with two large drawings. At that time I could sit for hours and with Chinese ink sketch large, detailed   pictures, which I later coloured. As I drew directly, without any preparatory pencil drafts, the result did sometimes not become what I had...
Hösten 1968 arbetade jag med två teckningar. På den tiden tyckte jag om att timme efter timme med en tuschpenna rita stora, detaljerade teckningar som jag sedan färglade. Eftersom jag ritade direkt, utan att först göra en blyertsskiss, blev det fel ibland och jag klippte då ut det som jag var nöjd...
When I during this short, bleak and cold spring have taken the bike to my work at school, struggling in a bitter head-wind, I have occasionally come to think about Lars Wivallius and his magnificent poem Lament over this Dry and Cold Spring: A dry and cold spring speeds summer´s...
När jag under denna korta, kulna och kalla vår i snålblåsten har cyklat till mitt skolarbete har det ibland hänt att jag tänkt på Lars Wivallius och hans magnifika dikt Klage-wijsa öfwer thenna torre och kalla wåhr: En torr och kall vår gör sommaren kort  Och vinterns föda...
The Swedish National Day was celebrated a few days ago. As usual, I did not participate, not because I am against celebrating a Swedish National Day. I like holidays and celebrations. I am grateful for having been born in a place where I have received a lot of benefits. I like being a Swede. I am a...
Jag minns inte vilket år vi skaffade TV, men det kan ha varit 1960; Olle Björklund läste nyheterna, Nils Erik Bæhrendtz ledde Tiotusenkronorsfrågan, medan Humle och Dumle bodde i Kapten Bäckdahls skafferi. Innan dess hade familjen på kvällarna ibland suttit tillsammans och lyssnat på...
A month ago, I visited my friend Mats in his beautiful villa from the 1920s, north of Stockholm, a treasure cave filled with art, music and books. With his customary generosity Mats received us, me and another good friend of mine, whose name is Mats as well. Together we enjoyed delicious drinks and...
Mina föräldrar, liksom mina morföräldrar, prenumererade på Veckojournalen och det kan väl därför i viss mån sägas att jag växte upp med tidningen. Veckojournalens stil ansågs i allmänhet vara lite väl högdragen och överklassig, speciellt under det allt radikalare sjuttiotalet. Tidningen lades...
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In Spite Of It All, Trots Allt